12-year Renaissance Man Comes Out From Solitude – Shares Astronomically Powerful and Unique Ideas to Oppose Global Evil

If I wrote out everything that I am going to talk about in the video and to fully explain everything in this post as I could I would need to write a book. Do not despair though (I say innocently laughing)! I am already writing a book that will very most likely include all of these things! You can check out the crowdfunding to bring it to completion here: Beauty, Brilliance, and Passion Crying Out. As for now I will list these points with a little bit of explanation and clarification and I will explain them more in the accompanying video! Enjoy! Let’s flood this world with an intellectual and moral power that bears better results than it is bearing now!

Ten of the Things I Plan to Discuss on the Video

  1. I have discovered -living in and dissecting libraries for over a decade- very important details (that don’t seem often discussed) of what I call the “Disconnect between Scholarly and Layperson Sources”
  2. I am going to share my insights on what I believe is one of the most important and well kept secrets in reality: the truth of evil appears exceptionally implausible. I have six or seven questions I think that appear to strongly lead to that conclusion and usually leave people seriously in shock of their difficulty and novelty being that they should seemingly have encountered them more before. I will share how this idea can be used to make powerful progress.
  3. I help with significant insights now but even more when my book is finished which is called, Beauty Brilliance, and Passion Crying Out . This is the link to the very awesome crowdfunding page I have created for the book to bring it to completion.
  4. I have created an idea that I put into a different post that is able to deal with difficult arguments that others present to you that claim that your ideas are false because they make evil look implausible.
  5. I think that the question I mostly came up with when I was fifteen can help to diffuse statements that get in the way of making a positive difference and have implications of leveraging knowledge in a powerful way that I will discuss. The question and it’s follow up question are this, “Why is there so much suffering and evil in the world that we expect to be solvable, that the experts have not solved, if they are so smart we can’t question them and they can’t be wrong?
  6. It appears to me textbooks – obviously – have many flaws that I will discuss (as well as being unnecessarily boring, inefficient, and having scores of non sequiturs), but I also have an insight in how they relate to the rest of knowledge that I think will shock people beyond understanding. I will discuss this in the video.
  7. I believe I have very powerful insights into knowledge because of the questions I have parsed all of knowledge through in my over a decade of solitude in books, experiences, and in attempting to devour libraries. I have tried to judge all of knowledge by questioning what results of what degree of morality it bears, and demanding concrete evidence. These starting questions have given me many incredibly useful insights that I plan to share.
  8. I will talk about scholarly journals and about how astronomically opaque, inefficient in communication, disorganized, unmarketed, inaccessible, unaffordable, and basically secret they are and what can be done to remedy this with extremely in-depth insights and with a very large amount of seemingly unique work that I am doing to render them as efficient and effective as possible with powerful insights to be used by everyone to effectively bring about moral change regardless of whether or not they have degrees. I will also talk about how to use an understanding of logic fallacies and the fallacy of universal implausibility to diffuse the arguments of anyone trying to say your thoughts don’t matter because you don’t have a degree. I think I have information that seems to me to be able to lovingly and COMPLETELY AND UTTERLY DEVASTATE AND OBLITERATE THAT SOPHISTRY. I will put the hard work in this regards in my book in a more complete form so check out the crowdfunding page for it if you want!
  9. My final and heaviest hitting thing to share for now is where I think all of knowledge, and its insufficiencies lead to: the final observation to tie everything together with my four-pronged approach to most effectively in my estimation oppose the entire consummate expression of immorality and evil.
  10. I will talk about some very exciting and helpful resources that help to achieve many of the things I am speaking of here: perlego.com and it’s book on the psychology of evil, Political Ponerology, Why Evil Exists, The Book of the City of Ladies, and Civilization and It’s Discontents.

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